


Partially Proficient


How do I express the meaning of my racial/ethnic experiences?

Thoughts are clearly expressed and create a vivid impression of writer’s racial/ethnic experience. Significant details enhance the narrative. The writer’s reflection reveals a new understanding of him or herself or world. The writer clearly relates experiences to course concepts.

(20 points maximum)

Thoughts and experiences are clearly expressed. Detail and some examples are used to convey the meaning of the experience. The writer’s reflection reveals a new understanding. The writer relates their experiences to course concepts.

(16 points maximum)

Thoughts about experiences are still being developed. Further attention to details or description would breathe life into the writing. General observations outweigh specifics. The writer somewhat relates their experiences to course concepts.

(14 points maximum)

Thoughts are unclear or loosely focused. Information is limited, unclear or a random collection of details that don’t add up to a coherent whole. It is hard to identify the meaning of the experiences. Reflection is limited or missing. The writer does not relate their experiences to course concepts.
(12 points maximum)

How well do I organize and present my thoughts?

The organization of narrative guides reader purposefully. Details seem to fit right where they are placed. An inviting introduction establishes the importance of experiences. A clear and comprehensive conclusion ties together main points. The entire piece has a strong sense of direction and balance.

(10 points maximum)

The organization guides reader through the paper. A clear introduction establishes importance of experiences. A clear conclusion satisfies the reader. Overall, details fit and the piece is held together with workable transitions.

(8 points maximum)

The organization guides the reader through the story without too much confusion. The introduction and conclusion are recognizable and functional. Placement of details seems workable though not always deft.

(7 points maximum)

The writer strings ideas, details or events together with no identifiable structure. No real lead sets up what follows. No real conclusion wraps up narrative. Missing or unclear transitions force the reader to make inferences.
(6 points maximum)

Style and Fluency
How do I express myself in an original and clear manner?

Precise, vivid and natural language contributes to the originality and clarity of the paper. The message is clear and easy to interpret. Colorful and/or figurative language breathes life into the writing. The writer’s connection to the piece is evident. The paper is open, honest, and thought provoking.

(10 points maximum)

The writer uses precise language that conveys the message clearly. Some use of colorful and/or figurative language adds flavor to the piece. Moments here and there amuse, surprise or move the reader. The writer cares about the piece.

(8 points maximum)

The writer occasionally uses precise language, but often relies on “ordinary” words rather than figurative or colorful language. Language is adequate but not striking. The writer seems distanced from the topic.

(7 points maximum)

The writer struggles with a limited vocabulary. Vague words and phrases distract the reader and prevent a connection with the writer. Though it may communicate on a functional level, the writing does not involve or move the reader.

(6 points maximum)

Have I edited and polished my paper?

Errors (in spelling, punctuation, quotation marks, capitalization, sentence structure, etc.) are few and minor, and don’t interfere with the meaning of the paper. The paper is clean, edited and polished. The narrative is of sufficient length and complexity to demonstrate appropriate control of conventions.

(10 points maximum)

Errors (in spelling, punctuation, quotation marks, capitalization, sentence structure, etc.) are few enough not to interfere with the overall meaning of the paper. The paper is of sufficient length to demonstrate proficiency.

(8 points maximum)

Errors (in spelling, punctuation, quotation marks, capitalization, sentence structure, etc.) occasionally distract from the meaning of the paper. The writing reads more like a rough draft than a final copy.

(7 points maximum)

Frequent and/or serious errors (in spelling, grammar, etc.) distract the reader’s focus from the message. The reader may need to read once to decode, then again to interpret the text.

(6 points maximum)