Project Component





Content and Language Use

-I prepared well- written, complete responses that use effective language to clearly communicate my ideas.

-I included specific references to the text and explored my thoughts about the text thoroughly.


-I prepared mostly complete responses with some interesting parts that communicate my ideas.

- I referred to the text and explored some of my thoughts in detail.


-I may be missing parts of my responses, and I had some difficulty communicating my ideas.

-My references to the text were weak, and I did not thoroughly explore my ideas.


-My responses are missing or incomplete, and I was unable to communicate my ideas.

-I did not make references to the text or explore my thoughts.

Quotations (Double Entry Journal Responses)

-Quotations used are copied exactly from the text and in quotation marks.

-Page number is documented.

-Quotations are used from the text but they have 1 or 2 spelling errors in them.

-They have quotation marks and page numbers.

-Quotations are used from the text; they have a few spelling errors in them.

-They may be missing quotation marks or page numbers, but not both

-Quotations are used from the text, but they have multiple spelling errors in them.

-They may be missing quotation marks and/or page numbers.

Mechanics and Conventions

- I used correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation so that my responses are easy to understand.


- I used adequate spelling, grammar, and punctuation so that my responses could be understood.

-I have some spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors, so my responses may be difficult to understand.


- I have many spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, so my writing is difficult to read and understand.


Rubric Points:

15-14 points


13-11 points


10-6 points


5-1 points